Young Tree Care

Young Tree Care

The highest tree loss rates in a landscape are within the first three years of planting while the root system grows from the root ball into your soil. Many of these losses are preventable with the proper care of newly transplanted, young trees. Applying water at the...
Benefits of Planting Trees in Your Yard

Benefits of Planting Trees in Your Yard

While you probably think about planting trees for Arbor Day, you may not know just how much of an impact tree planting can have on your lawn and energy consumption as well as the environment. Trees can provide shade for your home and lawn as well as a barrier against...
Emerald Ash Borer in Missouri

Emerald Ash Borer in Missouri

The beetle that has infested much of the Northeastern United States has made its’ way to Kansas City, MO.  The truth is, if we are just now seeing the beetle itself, that means it has already been here for two to four years.  While not a threat to human or animal...