Imprelis, an herbicide marketed by DuPont to landscapers and lawn care professionals around the country, was recalled in August 2011 after Imprelis was tied to a massive die off of thousands of mature landscape trees and other non-targeted vegetation. Reports of tree damage and death following Imprelis lawn applications began to pour in from Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and elsewhere. Since the DuPont Imprelis recall and EPA Imprelis ban, property owners around the country who have sustained dead and dying trees have filed an Imprelis lawsuit seeking compensation.
Most of the DuPont Imprelis tree death and damage reports involved shallow root system trees, including:
- Evergreens
- Norway spruces
- Spruce Trees
- Eastern white pines
- Conifer trees
- Cedar Trees
- Willow trees
- Poplar trees
- Deodora cedars
- Balsam fir trees
If you believe your trees were damaged by Imprelis, there are several things you must do to preserve your legal rights. First call Grade- A tree Care and ask for an assessment of your tree care. If Imprelis was used on your property, damage can be confirmed by the distinct symptoms of Imprelis poisoning, including browning, curling and cupping of needles or leaves.
Property owners who suspect that Imprelis may have killed or damaged their trees are being cautioned not to get rid of them, as they would be considered evidence should they choose to file a Imprelis lawsuit. Instead, the damage should be documented in photographs, or by gathering samples of vegetation.
If you have any questions or suspect Imprelis was used on your trees please contact us today!
We had tru-green care for our lawn all of 2012. This spring we’ve noticed half of our 20 year old spruce tree looks limp. We are concerned as to what they may have used for all of their treatments. We also have a string of tall arborvitae’s near the spruce. Not sure yet about those but the spruce is definitely not looking well. Is tru-green in violation of bad chemicals?
Not to our knowledge that Tru-green is in any violation, but we have noticed due to the drought last summer that a lot of spruce trees are stressing out and dieing. if you have any more questions or concerns feel free to call Phil @ 816-509-2225