
Have you been considering adding a new tree or two (or more) to your landscape?

With fall just upon us , now is the perfect time to start planning your new additions. Why? Because fall is one of the most ideal times of year to plant, and you want to be ready when it hits!

One of the main reasons why fall is an ideal time to plant trees is found in its roots. Cooler temperatures and more moisture enable new trees to establish good roots without being stressed by the summer’s extreme heat at dryness. According to the experts at Illinois’ famous Morton Arboretum,

“When the air temperatures are cooler than the soil, new root growth is encouraged without new top growth. The result is a stronger, better developed root system for the next spring when the plant begins to grow.”*

And because it’s a far more enjoyable time of year for you to be outside without excessive heat and humidity, fall planting is a win-win for both you and your trees!

The heat is also a top reason why fall is better for planting trees than spring…

…which many automatically assume is the ideal time of year. But because of the tendency for summer’s heat to come on sudden and strong, spring planting can actually damage newly planted trees without sturdy root systems. Instead, experts recommend fall planting to give your new plants a chance to get established in the new ground.

Here in the Midwest, most deciduous trees can be planted in the fall. Those that are container-grown or are balled or burlapped will do well because of their already established root systems. And you can find these at any local nursery and most larger home stores.

To get the most out of your time and money, use the following tips for fall planting, courtesy of Midwest Gardening Tips**:

  • Allow roughly six weeks for the tree’s roots to establish before the ground freezes.
  • Allow at about eight weeks for evergreens to establish roots and soak in plenty of water to sustain the needles through winter.
  • WATER, WATER, WATER. Water trees and shrubs thoroughly and deeply each week for the first three to four weeks. Start backing off soon after so that the plant can start its natural dormancy process. Water evergreens right up until the ground freezes, as evergreens will continue to supply their needles with water until the roots are frozen.
  • If you do plant a bit too late, mulch heavily to keep the soil warm longer. The roots will continue to grow until the ground freezes.
  • Do not plant marginally hardy trees or shrubs in the fall. Although many will adapt to survive winter, it will adapt slowly. Instead, plant marginally hardy trees and shrubs in the spring so that they have all season to establish themselves and grow strong.

At Grade-A Tree Care, we love to help our customers maintain strong, healthy trees.

Not only do they look better and offer the best enjoyment for home and property owners, they also provide the most benefit for the environment. It’s the best for everyone involved! So, if you have questions about your trees and how to give them the top-level of care—which can include our trimming services—don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll always do our best to provide you with the answers you need and help you achieve the results you want.


